'Ark at Archimedes...

Until it featured as a theme in last night's Elephant Inn pub quiz, the alleged significance of today had entirely passed me by (perhaps partly explaining our abysmal slump to sixth out of six - stern words have been spoken, extra training sessions threatened...)
Still, I'm wiser now, so for all those eager number-crunchers who will be celebrating today like it's one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine, and for all those non-mathemeticians like myself whose most feverish calculations are restricted to forecasting how the Premiership table will end up - I wish you all a very happy World Pi Day - may all the best things in your life continue to come in threes - sorry, in 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510... (etcetera, etcetera, you know the rest...)


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