Actually, now I think about it...

(and I do...)

Perhaps this whale story isn't such a cute one, after all. Look how close it got to the Houses of Parliament, after all... Curious coincidence? Maybe not.

Considering the Government's crackdown on terror, and the Met's secretly-slipped-in shoot-to-kill policy, is the best response really for family crowds to gather billing and cooing at this surprise visitor?

It could, after all, be a Trojan, er, whale packed with Al Qaida explosives...?

Hmm. Very sad it now seems to be struggling deep down there in the water. I hope he/she survives and is looked after well, by the right people.
If it is indeed an innocent whale.

But we do know the species has form.
Whales were, of course, some of Hitler's biggest supporters.
They were all Nazis, they were at Nuremburg...
Or at least, so I once heard...


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